Raising a Resilient Child – Workshop with Dr. Robbin Gibb on Brain Development and the Importance of Play. Oct. 13 9-3:30 Lunch Included.

Art and Story Time – Vulcan Lodge Hall for parents with small children. Wednesday’s at 10am. Registration required at 1 877 652 8633

Carmangay Halloween Parade Oct. 31 2pm

Milo Calendar of Events


Family Literacy Programs Fall 2020

[pdf-embedder url=”https://villageofarrowwood.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Family-Literacy-Programs-Fall-2020.pdf” title=”Family Literacy Programs Fall 2020″]

Circle of Security Parenting Program


Family Centre Programs October 2020

[pdf-embedder url=”https://villageofarrowwood.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/October-2020-Family-Centre-Programs.pdf” title=”October 2020 Family Centre Programs”]

First Nations Health Consortium Newsletter

[pdf-embedder url=”https://villageofarrowwood.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/First-Nations-Health-Consortium-Newsletter-09-2020.pdf” title=”First Nations Health Consortium Newsletter 09-2020″]

Mealtime Struggles and Feeding Your Baby

[pdf-embedder url=”https://villageofarrowwood.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Mealtime-Struggles-Feeding-Your-Baby-Fall-Schedule-2020-Posters-Printer.pdf” title=”Mealtime Struggles & Feeding Your Baby Fall Schedule 2020 Posters – Printer”]


Other Activities

Milo Fall Spooktacular – Oct. 17 Milo Lions Park 1-3pm

Pickleball – this Saturday morning, north side of the Legion @ 11:00 am!  Let’s hope for great weather, last week outside!  Please bring your own chair, water and wear appropriate footwear!  Last chance for outdoor pickleball for this season!  Come and give it a go!

All of Rainbow Literacy and Learning Society’s programs require registration prior to attending an event.  Please call 403-485-3107 to register or email [email protected]

Program  Dates  Time  Outdoor/Online Venue  Indoor Venue 
Time for Rhymes (Vulcan) Every Friday starting October 16, 2020 10:00 am-11:30 am Allen Subdivision Park The community room in the new wing of the hospital (approx. the end of October)
Time for Rhymes (Carmangay) Every Friday starting October 16, 2020 10:00 am-11:30 am Carmangay Library Park Carmangay Curling Rink
Time for Rhymes (Milo) Every Wednesday starting October 14, 2020 9:30 am-11:00 am Online (Zoom) Milo Library (starting in approx. January)
Time for Rhymes (Champion) Every Thursday starting October 15, 2020 10:00 am -11:30 am Champion Hall Park Champion Hall
Pillowslip Stories November 5, 2020 6:30 pm-8:00 pm N/A Vulcan Legion Branch 21
Animal Tales October 16 to December 18 1:00 pm-2:00 pm N/A Porthos Pet Supplies
Mentorship October 16 3:30 pm-5:00 pm N/A Get-away Youth Centre (FCSS)
Alphabet Soup Every Tuesday 2:00 pm- 3:00 pm Online (Zoom) N/A


Getting a COVID-19 test in Vulcan

You can call the Vulcan Hospital if you need a COVID-19 test and you are symptomatic.  They do testing daily at 11:30 in the ambulance bay but you must call 403-485-3333 for an appointment time.  If you would like an asymptomatic test, you must call 811.

Flu Shots look Different this Year Starting October 19

-Influenza Immunizations will be available at many Pharmacies for Adults and Children 5 years old and up.  You must call to book an appointment.

-Public Health will provideInfluenza Immunization for families of children under 5.  Appointments can be booked after Oct.13 by calling the Vulcan Health Unit at 403-485-2284, calling 811 or booking online at https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/influenza/influenza.aspx

(Do not book until Oct. 13)

-Physicians will offer vaccines toall Albertans 9 years of age and older.  Some physicians may be offering vaccines to children 6 months up to and including 8 years of age as well, please check with your physician’s office

Milo and Lomond – As there are no pharmacies in these communities, Public Health will do clinics on Oct. 20 in Lomond and Nov. 17 in Milo by appointment only.  Call 403-485-2285 to make your appointment.

Employment Opportunities

Vulcan and Region Family and Community Support Services:

Youth Worker –Full time to manage the Youth Centre and provide outreach programming Contact Joan at 403-485-2192

Relief Worker– Casual position to cover home support, reception and youth centre duties.    http://www.vulcanandregionfcss.com/

Vulcan Regional Victims Services Society –Full time Program Manager – Recruits, manages and trains volunteers, provides court support, manages government reporting, works closely with RCMP and covers on-call phone. Details www.vrvss.com Deadline to apply Oct. 13, 2020 [email protected]

Carol Seaman’s Rise and Shine– Support Staff for Person’s with Developmental Disabilities 403-485-0609

Inclusion Foothills 

Respite Care Provider, Behavioral Assistant, Community Assistant, Developmental Assistant, Job Coachin Vulcan County  **Inclusion Foothills serves as a referral agency only to assist in introducing individuals and/or families and care providers. www.inclusionfoothills.org


Pork Production Technician – Premium Farms

Parts Person – Arman Equipment Sales

Unit Clerk – AHS Vulcan

Child Care Worker – Vulcan Daycare

Food Services Supervisor – A&W

Farm Labor/Sheep Manager – Nolan Farms

Health Care Aide – Extendicare

AHS – Cook Vulcan


Interview Skills – Tuesday October 20th – 1:00pm-3:30pm @ Vulcan Municipal Library – MCG Careers

[pdf-embedder url=”https://villageofarrowwood.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Interview-Skills-Workshop-Oct.20.2020.pdf” title=”Interview Skills Workshop Oct.20.2020″]

NEW – Resume Scanners? The Who, What, Where, Why & How: Friday October 30th – 9:00am-11:30am VIRTUAL ONLY – via Zoom platform

[pdf-embedder url=”https://villageofarrowwood.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/RS-Workshop-Remote-Oct.30.2020-Virtual.pdf” title=”RS Workshop Remote Oct.30.2020 Virtual”]

To ensure everyone’s safety, proper PPE is available and protocols are in place registration is required. 

Keep Calm and Job Search on: Wednesday October 28th – 10:30am-1:00pm @ High River Public Library

[pdf-embedder url=”https://villageofarrowwood.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Job-Search-Workshop-Oct.28.2020-HR.pdf” title=”Job Search Workshop Oct.28.2020 HR”]

Volunteer Opportunities

Wheat Country Special Needs Society ( A Not-for-Profit Society) is looking for Board Members. The Society is a vital part of the fabric of this community, providing services to individuals with Developmental Disabilities for over 30 years.  The Society offers the full spectrum of service including Vocational, Residential and Community Access services. The Board member would be responsible to attend monthly meetings on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7pm. Meetings run about 2 hours. Some committee work is involved.   If interested, please contact Linda Schierman at 403-485-4733.

Vulcan and Region Family and Community Support Services and the Vulcan Regional Food Bank Society are seeking new Board Members.  Meeting are 10 times per year for FCSS and 4 times per year for the Food Bank.  Contact Joan at 403-485-2192.


Learning Opportunities

Online Conference with lots of great sessions for Parents on many interesting topics https://instituteofchildpsychologyconference.com/

Institute of Child Psychology 2020 Conference – Children’s Mental Health Conference 2020

was founded to educate parents and professionals on issues pertaining to children’s mental health and to promote the psychological and emotional well-being of children and adolescents.. Our mission is to empower caregivers (i.e., parents, teachers, therapists, social workers, psychologists) by giving them pertinent insights, skills and tools necessary to help children thrive.


Local Food and Delivery 

-Prairie Perfection Catering is available for small and large events. BBQ Dinner takeout from the Milo Curling Rink by pre-order. 403-485-8461 or email [email protected]

-You can order meals from Southern Alberta Bible Camp  www.sabc.ca/daves-meals/

-Stone Soup Meals are still available, frozen meals for anyone isolated or for frontline staff and first responders.  Nominate someone today, they can be delivered from the Vulcan Regional Food Bank.

-Meals in Minutes delivers meals anywhere in the County.  [email protected]

-Local Fresh Garden Veggies call Geri Budd to order Cell: 403.485.0873


Mental Health & Wellness    October 10 is World Mental Health Day

Beverley Edwards – Vulcan Community Health Centre

Self referrals welcome. Provides counselling for children ages 6 and over, adolescents, adults and seniors.  Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.   Phone for an intake appointment.  403-485-3356 FREE

Access to Psychologist and Child Psychiatric Services are available through the Vulcan Medical Clinic 403-485-2216 and the Arrowwood Medical Clinic 587-652-5999.

Rowan House Emergency Shelter Outreach can provide free counselling and will come to Vulcan.  24 hour crisis line 403-652-3311

MUMS – Postpartum Peer Support 403-827-6245

Teen and Young Adult Clinic – Tues 2-6pm walk-in PCN Office 103, 303 -9 Ave SW High River Sexual Health can also do counselling 403-652-1654


Thanksgiving is about more than giving thanks one day of the year!

 Giving Thanks in your life can bring you greater health by making a choice to practice gratitude every day.  A growing body of research across multiple fields, shows us that you can create happiness in your life by practicing gratitude.  Even when terrible things happen that are out of your control, if you make an effort to think of things that are still good, it will help you get through each day for the better.  Even small things like, “I am glad my hands still work to write,” or “I’m thankful for food delivery.”  Many people have created a practice through a gratitude journal, through habits like counting gratitude’s instead of sheep, either when you wake up or before you go to sleep, by writing gratitude letters to others, through prayer or giving thanks together at the table.  Practicing gratitude can take time but research shows it can lead to lower levels of depression and even produces changes in our brain.  Give it time, savour little things and enjoy what feeds your soul and you might just see an increased sense of connectedness, enhanced satisfaction with daily life, optimism, and reduced anxiety.

Vulcan Lionettes Community Connection (Welcome Wagon) – will deliver a welcome bag to anyone new in town.  Call Marg at 403-485-2426 or Joyce at 403-485-6802 to arrange a pick-up or to let them know about someone new to our community.

Wild Rose Community Connections is reaching out  

www.wildrosecommunityconnections.com   Caring Connections  Program

Contact us at 403 437-4984  Monday – Friday 10:00 – 5:00   or by email at [email protected]    

Caring Connections is an Emotional Safe Spot for anyone feeling disconnected, alone or just need to chat.  We hope we can make your day a little bit brighter and help connect you to other resources. We want to hear from you so that we can be here for you! 

 What can you expect from “Caring Connections” 

Individuals –   Check in and have a conversation about how things are going. We can start with  a  “How’s Your 5” check in:  How is your Work, Love, Play, Sleep and Eat going?  Then we can go from there and have daily or weekly check ins and chats if you want to continue the conversations.

-Seniors – We have a real soft spot for supporting our seniors in our community.  Join our “Soup for the Soul” club and have a volunteer come for a visit and leave you with some Soup and a Bun (and some other goodies) to enjoy later.  We can also have your groceries delivered to you.  We would love to hear your experiences & wisdom and share them on our website.

Youth – LUNCH in a CRUNCH  Text 403 813-9819 and type in LUNCH.  We will connect with you and let you know where to pick up your free lunch. Available all summer long!

Families – Parenting is a daily adventure complete with daily challenges.  We all need a little help every now and then.  We can help get more smiles from the kids!   Nobody’s Perfect -1:1 Parent Support and Groups for parents with children 0 -5 years.  Smarter Parenting – Support and strategies for parents of children 3 -18 years to create   more harmony in your home.

We know that early experiencesrelationships, and environments matter. The latest science shows us just how much: We now know more clearly than ever how the conditions and environments in which young children develop affect lifelong health as well as brain architecture and early learningPoor nutritionexposure to pollutants, and high levels of family stress associated with poverty, racism, and other forms of economic or social marginalization can all have disruptive effects on the brain and immune, metabolic, and cardiovascular systems. Excessive inflammation in these systems can lead to adult health impairments like diabetes, heart disease, obesity, asthma, and even depression and dementia. We also know that these conditions and the resulting health problems are experienced disproportionately by families of color. The COVID-19 pandemic has made this even more obvious.

We believe the time has arrived for a mindset shift for the early childhood field as part of a broader movement for social change. The brain is indeed connected to the rest of the body—and early childhood policy in the 21st-century must focus on the overwhelming evidence that early experiences affect the foundations of both educational achievement and lifelong physical and mental health.


Lori Gair

Community Liaison
Vulcan and Region Family and Community Support Services
Phone: 403-485-2192 ext. 103
Email: [email protected]