2nd Opinion Consulting is looking for a full time agronomist. Read the job posting.
2nd Opinion Consulting is looking for a full time agronomist. Read the job posting.
Happy New Year to everyone!
Jan. 10 – Volunteer Cooking at FCSS – Make soups for Food Hampers, Youth and for Care Packages. Sign up here https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4DAAA922A6FBC70-46963640-volunteer
Jan. 12 – Jam Session in Vulcan (See attached poster)
**NEW** Jan. 13 – Vulcan Board Games Club – 1pm at the Vulcan Library . Everyone welcome! (See attached poster)
Jan. 17 – Emergency Preparedness Lunch and Learn Arrowwood – Everyone welcome. (See attached poster)
Jan. 19 – Teen Dance (See attached poster)
Jan. 20 – Vulcan County Performing Arts Society presents Tom Phillips and the DT’s, hope to see you there you there! Tickets can be bought at Wolfes home hardware, Nine in a line, and by following this link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/tom-phillips-and-the-dts-tickets-776029102937?aff=oddtdtcreator&fbclid=IwAR3m-G6zSy3E-dDyypiIOZOHeKlRR0Xj00ZBdbBhHLGHuOmXKaUkdFSc_Y0
Jan. 27 – Yuk Yuk’s Comedy Night in Vulcan – Fundraiser for Bodyworks Gym (See attached poster)
Yuk Yuks Comedy Night Vulcan Jan 27
Jan. 27 – Principles of Child Development Training – if you are working with or considering finding a job working with youth, invest in your training (See attached poster)
Feb. 1 – Cooking Circle – Join a group to cook together and take-home meals to freeze for yourself or to share with your family for only $20. Enjoy visiting, laughs and learning while cooking together. 10am-2pm FCSS Vulcan. Register at 403-485-2192 or [email protected] and tell us any allergies or intolerances to food when you register.
Most of these programs resume in the New Year…
Family and Youth Programs
-Get-A-Way Youth Centre – Open for Drop-In Tuesday, Wednesday 3:30-6pm. Friday 12:30-6pm with a free lunch. 403-485-6033
-Bedtime Stories – Tuesday evening online (See attached poster)
-Workshops – Feeding Your Baby and Mealtime Struggles (See attached poster for dates)
Feeding Your Baby Schedule_ Jan-Apr 2024
-Stay & Play– Vulcan Lodge Hall Mondays 1:30-3pm.
– Moms & Tots – Wednesdays 10:30 am. Vulcan Church of Christ basement
-Time for Rhymes – Vulcan Library. Tuesdays 12:30-1:30pm. Milo Library Wednesdays at 10:30am. Register at 403-485-3107
-Teen Night at the Youth Centre – 13+ Thursdays 6:30-9pm. Ping-pong, pool tables, foosball, air hockey, video games, crafts and music!
-Munchkin Mornings – Carmangay Library for kids 6 years and under. Songs, games and activities. Fridays 10:30am
-Kids Club Wedesdays at 4:30 via zoom www.greaterfoothillsfamilycentre.ca (See attached poster)
-Scribblers in Milo Mondays at 10:30am register with www.greaterfoothillsfamilycentre.ca (See attached poster)
Recreation Activities
-Atomic Volleyball for kids in grade 3-6 starts in January (See attached poster)
-Community Badminton Tuesdays 6:30-8pm VPE. Register with townofvulcan.ca/recreation
-Community Volleyball Tuesdays 8:00-9:30pm, Friday 2-4pm and Sundays 3:30-5:30pm at VPE. Register with townofvulcan.ca/recreation
-Yoga – Wednesdays 3pm Yoga for Hips and Back, 5:15pm Flow and Meditation. Vulcan Yoga and Wellness Centre. [email protected]
-Flexibility Yoga – Carmangay Seniors Centre Mondays at 10:30. Resumes Jan. 8
-Community Basketball – Wednesdays 8-9:30pm In the VPE gym. Registration required townofvulcan.ca/recreation
– Community Skate Register at www.townofvulcan.ca/recreation
· Mondays 6-7pm
· Tuesdays 3:30-4:30pm
· Thursdays 3:30-4;45pm
· Youth Shinny Mondays at 3:3
-Find Ice Rental availability at the Vulcan Arena (See attached poster)
-Saturday Drop-In Curling in Milo (See attached poster)
-Learn to Curl in Milo – Here is the link to register for junior curling. https://milo.curling.io/en/leagues Any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Jana Bartsch.
Adult and Senior Programs
-Coffee is on at the Carmangay Community Centre Tuesdays 2-4pm Cost $1
-ManCave – Wednesdays 1-3pm 105A 3rd Ave. S. Coffee, Pool, Ping-pong, puzzles, foosball, games and visiting. All ages welcome.
-Coffee Time- Wednesdays 2pm Lomond at the Drop-In
-Coffee at the Carmangay Seniors Centre Wednesdays 10am -12pm
-Vulcan Legion Member’s Pool League – Wednesdays 8pm. Memberships $40
-Coffee is on at the Carmangay Community Centre Thursdays 2-4pm Cost $1
-Chess at the Vulcan Library – Thursdays 2:10-5:00pm
-Dart League – Vulcan Legion. Thursdays 6:30pm. Drop-In. No membership required.
-Pancake Breakfast at the Carmangay Community Centre $7.50/person, $25/family – 1st Saturday of the month – 9 am
-Coffee at the Carmangay Seniors Centre – Saturdays 10am-12pm
-Vulcan Legion Meat Draw – Saturdays 3-6pm
-Vulcan Legion – Drop-in Pool at the Hall @ 3pm. $5/person. No membership required.
-Coffee Time – Lomond 9am at the Drop-In. Monday through Saturday
-Vulcan Senior Centre Monday through Saturday
-Men’s Pool 9am – 12pm
-Ladies’ Coffee Drop-in 10am – 11am
-Champion Pioneer Club – Coffee Monday through Saturday 9:30-11:30. Membership $25
Vulcan Board Games Club – every other Saturday (See attached poster)
Support Groups
Mondays – SMART Recovery 7-8:30pm Addiction Support Meeting. Call Beth at 403-485-1054 for info.
AA – Alcoholics Anonymous Every Tuesday and Thursday. Meetings are at 8pm. Contact Gary at 403-485-5818
Al-Anon Family Group – meetings as needed. Contact Betty at 403-652-8285
Men’s Healthy Relationship Group Registration details at rowanhouse.ca/safe-at-home
MUMS – Peer-to-Peer Maternal Support for pre- and post-partum. Weekly confidential phone calls. Call Families Matter at 403-205-5194.
Cumulative Stress (See attached poster)
Love that endures – Managing Grief over the Holidays
Sleep Hygiene: what is it and why do you need it?
Sleep profoundly impacts our physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and is just as vital to our health as a balanced diet and exercise. Sleep hygiene is a term that encompasses a set of practices, habits, or routines that can help you achieve restful, high quality sleep each and every night. By adopting good sleep practices and making them part of your daily routine, you can support your body and mind in functioning at their best.
Why is good Sleep Hygiene important? Getting a good night’s rest can do wonders for pretty much every function in our body. It’s important for physical health, aiding in the body’s repair and rejuvenation and muscle recovery. Sleep can improve our immune systems and help us fight off illnesses, including infections and viruses. Adequate sleep helps us maintain a healthy weight and good heart health; enhances our ability to think clearly and make sound decisions; and helps us with mood and emotional regulation. We perform better and are more productive. Ensuring good sleep hygiene can help improve the quality of our sleep and, in turn, helps us achieve a better quality of life! Improving your sleep hygiene.
Here are some practical tips to help you improve your sleep hygiene:
• Create a Consistent Schedule – Anchor your wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Consistency, particularly with the time that you wake up, helps regulate your body’s internal clock.
• Create a comfortable sleep environment – Ensure your bedroom is conducive to sleep. This means a cool, dark, and quiet room with a comfortable mattress and pillows.
• Limit screen time – The blue light from screens can disrupt your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. Avoid screens at least an hour before bedtime.
• Be mindful of your diet – Avoid heavy or spicy meals, caffeine, and alcohol close to bedtime, as they can interfere with your sleep.
• Exercise regularly – Engaging in physical activity during the day can help you sleep better at night. However, try to finish exercising at least a few hours before bedtime.
• Relaxation techniques – Consider trying relaxation methods in a quiet area of your home such as deep breathing, meditation, or gentle stretches to calm your mind if you find yourself wakeful when you would like to sleep.
• Switch it up! – Try to avoid lying awake in bed if you remain wakeful despite trying to sleep. Sometimes, leaving the bedroom to do something relaxing in a low light environment and returning to bed when sleepy can help to improve sleep continuity.
• Limit Naps – While short power naps can be rejuvenating, long or irregular daytime naps can disrupt your sleep patterns. Sleep hygiene is a cornerstone of our health and well-being. By adopting good sleep practices and making them a part of your daily routine, you can enjoy the numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits of a well-rested life. Prioritizing sleep hygiene is an investment in yourself and your future, and it’s a simple yet effective way to enhance your quality of life.
Content provided by: Alberta Health Services
Employment Opportunities
Early Childhood Educator – Vulcan Daycare http://vulcandaycaresociety.weebly.com/employment-opportunities.html
Agronomist (See attached poster)
Found on indeed.ca
Health Care Aide – Vulcan Extendicare
Protective Services Administrative Assistant – Vulcan County
Customer Relations and Receivables Representative (Temporary) – Vulcan County
Cahier – Big Sky Beer, Wine and Spirits
Agricultural Warehouseperson – Brandt Vulcan
Food Service 1 – AHS Vulcan
Truck Driver – Timberland Express Inc. Vulcan
Highway Truck Driver – Stella Jones Inc. Vulcan
Cashier – Vulcan Petro
Kitchen Helper – Vulcan Country Inn
Agricultural Sale Coordinator – Brandt Vulcan
Health Care Aide – AHS
Highway Maintenance Worker – Volker Stevin Highways
Found on LinkedIn.com
Wind Turbine Technician – Vestas Carmangay
Area Marketing Representative – Richardson Pioneer
Operator – Orica Plant Blackie
Nursery Worker – Aspen Crossing Mossleigh (Power Recruitment)
Teacher – CCHS Palliser School Division
Educational Assistant – at Brant Colony, Champion School or Shadow Ranch Colony, Palliser School Division
Territory Manager – Agriculture Shortline and Lawn and Garden – Vulcan Brandt John Deere
Restaurant Manager – Aspen Crossing Mossleigh (Power Recruitment)
Food Service Supervisor – – Aspen Crossing Mossleigh (Power Recruitment)
Casual Registered Nurse – Vulcan Extendicare
Agriculture Heavy Equipment Technician – Vulcan Brandt John Deere
Found on ziprecruiter.com
Housekeeper – Lomond on care.com
Restaurant Manager – A&W
Manager Environment – Vertex Resource Group Lomond
Found on jobbank.ca
Marketing consultant – Richarson International Vulcan
Cook – Aspen Crossing