Village Office

1 Centre St.
P.O. Box 36
Arrowwood, AB T0L 0B0

Phone: (403) 534-3821
Tuesday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.,
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Other days by appointment.

Northwest District Fire Association

109 Railway Avenue West
Arrowwood, AB T0L 0B0
Online Information

Emergency: 911
Bill Graff – Fire Chief
(403) 534-3747 work
(403) 619-0057 cell

Oldman River Regional Services Commission

3105 – 16th Avenue North
Lethbridge, AB T1H 5E8

Phone: (403) 329-1344
Toll-free phone: 1-844-279-8760

Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Gleichen Detachment

508 4th Avenue
P.O. Box 340
Gleichen, AB T0J 1N0
Online Information

General Services:
Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 4 PM
Emergency: 911
Phone: (403) 734-3056
Complaints: (403) 734-3923

Arrowwood Municipal Library

22 Centre St
Arrowwood, AB T0L 0B0

Phone: (403) 534-3932
Fax:   (403) 534-3932
Tuesday 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Wednesday 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Thursday 10:00 am – 12:00 pm 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Vulcan & District Waste Commission

102 Centre Street
P.O. Box 180
Vulcan, AB T0L 2B0
Online Information

Dick Ellis – General Manager
Phone: (403) 485-8442

Environment Yard / Village of Arrowwood Waste Transfer & Recycling

Located on the west side of Arrowwood, bins are available for disposal of bagged household waste. The recycling shed accepts cardboard, glass, plastic and newspaper or print magazines.

Larger items and burnable waste should go to a waste transfer station operated by the Vulcan & District Waste Commission.

Hours: Tuesday 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Saturday 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

The Village of Arrowwood was incorporated in 1926. As a municipal corporation in the Province of Alberta, Canada, it is governed by provincial legislation, primarily, the Municipal Government Act.

The Village of Arrowwood elects a three-member Council every four years or, as required, through by-election. This body appoints two of its own to serve as Mayor and Deputy Mayor. It also hires and appoints a Chief Administrative Officer to manage the day-to-day affairs of the municipality.

Policing is provided by the RCMP, Gleichen Detachment, while bylaw enforcement is contracted to Vulcan County on an “as needed” basis.

Fire protection is provided by the Northwest District Fire Protection Association, a society that both raises money for and delivers this essential service. The Society takes overall direction from Vulcan County Emergency Services. It is accountable to the municipal councils of Vulcan County and the Village of Arrowwood.

The Northwest Fire Protection Association was formed in 1976 and services approximately 330 square miles. The volunteer Board of Directors is chosen at an Annual General Meeting of the Society.

Library service is provided by the volunteer-driven Village of Arrowwood Library Board as appointed and funded by the Village Council. A significant portion of the Board’s funding comes from the Vulcan County Library Board as appointed by Vulcan County Council. Funding is also provided by the Province of Alberta (the Library Services Branch of Municipal Affairs) and the Friends of the Arrowwood Library Association.

The Arrowwood Municipal Library is a member-library of the Chinook Arch Regional Library System. The System provides operational support and collection sharing across 34 member libraries in Southwest Alberta. The Village of Arrowwood appoints a representative to its Board of Directors.

Planning services are provided by the Oldman River Regional Services Commission, a member-owned and inter-municipal body that was initially formed in 1955. The Commission assigns the Village a planner, as well as access to a geographic information system, an assessment review board and a subdivision development appeal board. The Village of Arrowwood appoints a representative to its Board of Directors.

The local waste authority is the Vulcan and District Waste Commission, a member-owned and inter-municipal service provider that collects, handles and disposes of all garbage and recyclables. The Village of Arrowwood appoints a representative to its Board of Directors. While there is a village operated waste transfer station in Arrowwood, it ONLY HANDLES bagged garbage and recyclables. Transfer Stations operated by the Commission accept burnables and larger items for disposal. The nearest stations are southwest of Mossleigh and northwest of Milo.