The Village Council has enacted Bylaws 445 and 473 to ensure that Arrowwood remains a safe and enjoyable place to live for all residents. These documents should be considered a starting point in developing the best regulatory framework. The Village Council welcomes input and suggestions on how these bylaws can and should be amended.

The Village of Arrowwood contracts Vulcan County Protective Services to provide bylaw enforcement, however, all complaints must be initiated at the Village Office. In order to process a complaint, written notice must be provided identifying the property, the owner or tenant, and how a breach of the standards set out in these bylaws is believed to have occurred. Anonymous complaints will not be treated with the same degree of urgency as those where the complainant has identified themselves and, especially, where resolution between neighbours has already been attempted.

Complaint will be investigated, required enforcement will be initiated, and the Chief Administrative Officer will report on the matter to the Village Council.

The Community Standards Bylaw, Bylaw 445, can be found HERE.
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”ARWD Bylaw 445 Community Standards Bylaw”]

The Animal Control Bylaw, Bylaw 473, can be found HERE.
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”ARWD Bylaw 473 Animal Control Bylaw”]